In the face of a strong and by now consolidated recovery, the American real estate market offers properties at prices that have not yet reached pre-crisis levels. Thanks to a still favorable exchange rate, an investor friendly legislation framework and a contained taxation on real estate income, approaching this market represents a convenient and extremely profitable investment for the medium and long term.
New York is one of the most fascinating, dynamic and modern city in the world as well as the cultural and social landmark of the United States. House of the world’s largest stock exchange market and important diplomatic institutions (such as the UN) the Big Apple attracts thousands of new international workers every year.
This constant mobility has lead to a very high demand for rental housing, which coupled with a current strong dollar and an enviable legal security, makes New York one of the best real estate markets there is.
OAK International Real Estate brings in an extended network of professional brokers capable to understand the individual needs of its customers and translate them into investment opportunities that New York City has to offer.
Administrative management and infrastructural property maintenance.
Legal and Fiscal assistance for both sellers and buyers.
High occupancy rates guaranteed throughout the year by people coming from all over the world.
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